Data Safety
Assurance Standard Review
Updated 26 Jun 2024
Inge, J.R. (2019), Improved Methods for Review of Software Assurance Standards using Def Stan 00-055 as a Case Study , Oxford, UK , March 2019.
Inge, J.R. (2008), Improving the Analysis of Data in Safety-Related Systems , York, UK , September 2008.
Inge, J.R.; Gardner, D. and Brooking, C (2024) , Rationalising safety cases for naval systems International Naval Engineering Conference (INEC24) , Liverpool, UK , November 2024. doi:10.24868/11189
Gardner, D.; Brooking, C and Inge, J.R. (2024) , Safety Critical Items in naval systems International Naval Engineering Conference (INEC24) , Liverpool, UK , November 2024. doi:10.24868/11194
Inge, James and Potiron, Katia (2024) , A Systems Viewpoint on the Integration of Subsystems Developed with Heterogeneous Safety Standards 19th International ERCIM/EWICS Workshop on Dependable Smart Embedded Cyber-Physical Systems and Systems-of Systems (DECSoS 2024) , Florence, Italy , Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 14989, 9--20 . Springer, Cham. ISBN 978-3-031-68738-9 . doi:10.1007/978-3-031-68738-9_1
Inge, James and Potiron, Katia (2024) , System Safety for Complex and Defence Systems , position paper, 43rd International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security (SafeComp) , Florence, Italy .
Potiron, Katia and Inge, James (2024) , Extending Systems Engineering for Safety-Critical Defence Applications , INCOSE Annual International Symposium , vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 199--209 . Dublin, Ireland . doi:10.1002/iis2.13141 .
Inge, James; Potiron, Katia; Williams, Phil and Ricque, Bertrand (2023) , IEC 63187: Engineering Safety into Complex Defense Systems , Safety in an Agile Environment: the 2023 Annual International Systems Safety Summit and Training , Portland, OR .
Inge, James (2023) , Can software engineering methods give us better software safety standards? , The Future of Safe Systems: Proceedings of the 31st Safety-Critical Systems Symposium (SSS’23) 7-9th February 2023 , York, UK , 215--231 . ISBN 979-8363385520 .
Inge, James and Williams, Phil (2023) , IEC 63187 — Tackling complexity in defence systems to ensure safety , The Future of Safe Systems: Proceedings of the 31st Safety-Critical Systems Symposium (SSS’23) 7-9th February 2023 , York, UK , 233--245 . ISBN 979-8363385520 .
Inge, J.R. (2010), ISAs: Saving for the future , Environment and Safety Assurance Symposium 2010 , Bristol, UK , May 2010.
Inge, J.R. (2010), Describing Risk — Variations on a Theme , Environment and Safety Assurance Symposium 2010 , Bristol, UK , May 2010.
Inge, J.R. and Costello, Capt. G.T. (2008), End-to-End Reviews: A New Approach to Providing Assurance that a Complex Organisation is Effectively Managing Safety , Proc. 26th International System Safety Conference , Vancouver, BC., Canada , August 2008. 0-9721385-8-7 .
Inge, J.R. (2008), End-to-End Assurance , Environment and Safety Assurance Symposium 2008 , Bristol, UK , November 2008.
Inge, J.R. (2007), The Safety Case, its Development and Use in the United Kingdom , Proc. 25th International System Safety Conference , Baltimore, MD., USA , August 2007, 725--730 . 0-9721385-7-9 .
Inge, J.R. (2007), The Safety Case, its Development and Use in the United Kingdom , Equipment Safety Assurance Symposium 2007 , Bristol, UK , November 2007. (ISSC paper republished with minor revisions) .
James Inge (2013), Promoting the Role of the ISA , Safety Systems , vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 9—11 , January 2013 .
James Inge (2011), Safe Data: Recognising the Issue , Safety Systems , vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 4—7 , September 2011 .
James Inge (2007), Defence Standard 00-56 , Standards in Defence News , no. 205, pp. 6-7 , July 2007 .
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